Monday, March 14, 2005

du & df inconsistency???

I am extremely puzzled that du and df inconsistency.
I know that open files will be hogging the filesystem, and df will report it as being used. but strangely, lsof / did not show anything!

nevertheless, the df command is being used for the monitoring, as such many alerts were reported in the monitoring tool.

I logged on and did some checks. upon checking, it was found that many process is hogging onto the filesystem. by grace of fuser -cu / .

I did a for loop to check on it. using ptree, pfiles with the output of fuser and found that a particular processes (hundreds of them !) is hogging the filesystem ...

hmm ... does runing process using the filesystem is hogging the filesystem?

it looks like the filesystem is meant to be an application homedirectory, and logging to it .. users are extreme inclined to run tail -f on it very much. ....

does that caused the df output to be high? (will find out ..)

i wonders ....

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