Monday, September 04, 2006

life just sucks

Life just sucks. yes it does.

my ex-isp decided to suspend my cable access cos i miss payment for 1 month. yes. 1 month. Cos babyluke was hospitalized for a couple of days and whole life turn upside down. I haven't got time to keep tracks of bills.

so they suspend it.

and i terminate the server with them.

looking at alternativ isp, i found one, which is supposing to be the largest telco in town, with a pretty attractive deal.

i sign up for it.

and guess what? 2 days after i've got my adsl connection up. them came up with a promotion deals that gives away a brand new mac book (THE ONE THAT I WANTED SO BADLY TO REPLACE MY DYING eMAC).

aggrhh .. life just sucks!

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