Saturday, September 30, 2006

Gigantic bug found at rural Germany

Check this out, a link passed on by some friends.

It seems like the satellite pics on Google Map is bugged. is this the Y2K bug that everyone was talking about?

Some speculated that they take a print of the photo and scan it in and the bug was sitting on the contact sheet when the scan was taking place. If not, we are really looking at a serious bug problem.
Bring out the DDT !

Monday, September 04, 2006

life just sucks

Life just sucks. yes it does.

my ex-isp decided to suspend my cable access cos i miss payment for 1 month. yes. 1 month. Cos babyluke was hospitalized for a couple of days and whole life turn upside down. I haven't got time to keep tracks of bills.

so they suspend it.

and i terminate the server with them.

looking at alternativ isp, i found one, which is supposing to be the largest telco in town, with a pretty attractive deal.

i sign up for it.

and guess what? 2 days after i've got my adsl connection up. them came up with a promotion deals that gives away a brand new mac book (THE ONE THAT I WANTED SO BADLY TO REPLACE MY DYING eMAC).

aggrhh .. life just sucks!