Monday, July 09, 2007

anything or whatever

So now that we have Anything and Whatever selling in Singapore. This is really great.

The other day when my wife asked me to buy some soft drinks as she felt like having some. And so, being the good husband I am, I asked her what she like.

Yes, you must have had the same good old true blue Singaporean's answer
* Anything
* Whatever.

hehe .. guess what I bought back home ..

I read on the paper that the drinks sold much better then it was expected Today. And that the inventor is expected to comes up with newer version. So what might the name of the new breverages would be call?

Of cos you know the answer lar, if not you are not a singaporean lor.

Anything Lar
Whatever Lor

really no kidding! How many times have you said "Anything Lar" and "Whatever Lor". And of coourse, it's against the Singlish grammatical rule not to use Anything with Lar and Whatever with Lor.

so stay tune for Anything Lar and Whatever lor.
